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Trevor Noah Pays Tribute to Black Women in His Daily Show Farewell Address
Friday, Dec 9, 2022


Trevor Noah ended an amazing seven-year run on The Daily Show, but not before he gave black women their flowers.

The 38-year-old comedian gave a heartfelt tribute to the “brilliant” black women in his life, including his mother, grandmother, and aunt, as well as other influential black feminines like Roxane Gay, Tressie McMillan Cottom, Zoé Samudzi, and Tarana Burke.

“Special shout out to Black women. I’ve often been credited with having these grand ideas. People say, ‘Oh Trevor, you’re so smart.’ I’m like, ‘Who do you think teaches me? Who do you think shaped me, nourished me, and formed me?’” he shared with viewers. “From my mom, my grand[mom], my aunt, all these Black women in my life, but in America as well.”


While speaking on the plight of black women, he explained to viewers that they know “what s*** is” because they have no time to “f*** around and find out,” and urged them to listen to their wisdom, just as he has done in his personal and professional life.

 “I tell people if you want to truly learn about America, talk to Black women cause, unlike everybody else, Black women can’t afford to f*** around and find out,” Trevor told the audience. “Black people understand how hard it is when things go bad, especially in America, but any place where Black people live… when things go bad, Black people know that it’s worse for them,” he continued. “Black women in particular, they know what s*** is. They know what happens if things do not go the way it should.”

Trevor announced his exit from The Daily Show back in September, noting that although his tenure with the show has been one of his greatest challenges and joys, after seven years on this “wild ride,” it was his time to move on.

What did you think about Trevor’s farewell speech?



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